Module 5: The Prison and Later Letters of the Apostle Paul

The centrality, supremacy and humility of Christ fill the pages of these letters, along with heartfelt words to one of Paul’s young co-workers. The prison cell did not seem to dampen Paul’s wonder of both Jesus and the power of the Gospel, nor his commitment to protect the Gospel from those that would corrupt the message entrusted to him by Jesus on the road to Damascus.

2 U of N Extension Studies Credits.


ColossiansThe Supremacy of Christ fills the pages of this beautiful but practical letter, emphasized because of error creeping into the church in this small town of Colossae.  As you apply your inductive Bible study skills you will get an understanding of what this is, why it is important for us today, and how this letter relates to Ephesians.


EphesiansIt is said that prevention is better than cure.  In this circular letter to various churches in Asia Minor (including of course Ephesus), you will be thrilled again with the wonder of the Gospel, your identity in Christ and how the ‘manifold wisdom of God’ is revealed in his Church.  The calling then is to ‘walk worthy’ of this calling.  In this unit, there is the opportunity for you to learn about small group Bible studies, and how to lead an effective one.  It will give you a chance to share some of what you are learning.


PhilippiansYou will discover that in the atmosphere of rejoicing, Paul addresses a variety of relevant issues in this jewel of a letter, but central to all is Jesus the example of servant heartedness and humility.

1 and 2 Timothy

TimothysThe study of these two letters will bring you to the end of Paul’s correspondence and to the end of Paul’s life, as in 2 Timothy it seems Paul was expecting martyrdom soon.  In 1 Timothy, you will engage with the important question of how to identify which New Testament instructions are culturally bound and which are timeless, and how to know the difference.  As the Apostle addresses his son in the faith, the personal nature of these letters will impress and inspire you.