Module 8:  More Writings of the 'Beloved Apostle' John

In this last of the New Testament modules, we conclude with the rest of the Apostle John's writings.  With the heresy of Gnosticism in its infancy at this time, John addresses this, making both a strong defense of the truth, and bringing correction. The final book of Revelation is a revelation of Jesus Christ, to bring hope to a suffering church.

2 U of N Extension Studies Credits.

1 John, Preaching and Teaching

1 JohnIn the first of John’s letters, John presented three tests for the church so they understood how to remain in the truth.  You will discover why it was necessary for him to write about such tests. In addition, in this unit there is the opportunity to explore the skills of preaching and teaching.  An alternative assignment is for you to prepare and deliver a message based on your studies of this book.  A wonderful opportunity for you to give away some of the things you have learnt.

2 and 3 John

2 3 JohnAs you will find out, both of the letters are addressing travelling teachers, both true and false.  This is something we are familiar with today, just as in the First Century.  As you unpack these, the smallest of Bible books, you will see how relevant they both are for the Church today.


WorshipAs you come to this final book of the New Testament, you step into the most debated (and at times misunderstood) book in the Bible.  In this unit you will explore the four main views of the overall interpretation of Revelation and the implications for how each chapter is interpreted.  You will also understand the historical background relevant at the time of writing, both for John and the Roman Empire.  You will also be made aware of the various views on the Millennium as understood in the various parts of the Body of Christ today, and consider what sound application might look like for this book.