Module 6:  New Testament Writings, Primarily to Jewish People

From what is most probably the first of the New Testament writings (James), we explore books written to primarily Jewish people in Matthew, Hebrews and James. James is the New Testament book of wisdom, while Hebrews shows how Jesus is 'so much better than' what the Jewish believers had left behind when placing their faith in their Messiah that the Gospel of Matthew proclaims is the fulfillment of all of the Old Testament.

2 U of N Extension Studies Credits.


모듈 6 : 신약 성서, 주로 유대인에게
아마도 신약성서의 첫 번째 글(제임스)에서 우리는 주로 매튜, 히브리인, 제임스의 유대인들에게 쓰여진 책을 탐구한다. 제임스는 신약성서의 지혜의 책인 반면, 히브리인들은 예수가 어떻게 그들의 메시아에 믿음을 둘 때 유대인 신자들이 남겨둔 것을 '너무 잘'하고 있는지 보여주는 반면, 마태 복음은 구약성서의 모든 것을 성취한다고 선언한다.
2 U of N Extension Studies Credits.


MatthewMatthew forms a bridge between the Old and New Testament with the genealogies in the first chapter, where he affirms the identity of Jesus as the legitimate heir to the throne of King David.  As you will discover, Matthew continues this emphasis to his Jewish readers, often referring to prophetic fulfillment.  Jesus is shown to be not only the legitimate King, but also the suffering servant of Isaiah 53.  You will be greatly moved by this beautiful Gospel.


HebrewsAs the name suggests, you will discover that Hebrews was written to Jewish believers who were under pressure to revert back to their old religion and ways.  In this book you will obtain fresh understanding of the significance of the Old Testament religious system in relationship to the New, and have the joy of exploring how Jesus is superior to all of the old ways.


JamesYou will discover that the book of James is the New Testament’s answer to the Old Testament’s book of Proverbs.  Based around pertinent themes, the practical nature of this book will challenge and delight you.