As you apply your inductive skills to this moving book, you will feel the broken heart of God over his wayward people as a husband grieves over an unfaithful wife. You will discover the disastrous fruit of idolatry, and for many in Israel this meant they suffered great injustice because of the false gods worshipped. But there is always hope….
Introduction to the Prophets and Amos
Before you study this book, you will be introduced to a new genre, the Old Testament Prophet. You will learn about this kind of literature and how to observe, interpret and apply it well. Then you will apply what you have learned to this powerful prophet Amos. You will discover that when you understand the setting, history and the way the prophets communicated their message, the often overlooked writings of the prophets have much contemporary significance.
Introduction to Hebrew Poetry
Before moving into the Old Testament Prophets with 'The Introduction to the Prophets and Amos', we pause to explore the genre of Hebrew Poetry, which is foundational for any significant engagement with the Prophets. This brief unit consists of some of the lessons taken from the Psalms module (13:1). If you have already completed the Psalms module, you can skip this unit but if not, this is essential preparation for the rest of this module, and indeed, for the rest of the course.
1 and 2 Kings
This book that begins with the glory of God filling a magnificent gold plated temple with his glory, ends with this same temple broken and burned. How did this happen? Why did the kingdom divide? As you work your way through these books you will discover the persistence and longsuffering patience of Israel’s God. You will see how the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy are worked out in the national life. You will encounter the God who is "The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness…forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty…” Ex 34:6,7. The history you will learn in this Unit is an important foundation for your future studies in the prophets, and will help these wonderful books come alive.