The first challenge you will encounter as you study this inspirational book, is the quality of the life and faithfulness of Daniel and his three friends in a pagan and hostile land. The second will be for you to engage with the literary genre of Old Testament apocalyptic literature that you will find in the second half of the book! Though unfamiliar to contemporary readers, this form of writing was used to show the sovereign outworking of the purposes of God during difficult times. And you will discover Daniel foresees the challenges ahead, and in graphic images prepares the people for the upcoming empires, persecutions, and the Messiah.
Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, a prophecy to a long extinct people. Yet as you explore this book you will find the message is as contemporary as tomorrow’s news.
Ezekiel, the prophet who had a profound encounter of the glory of God, was God’s messenger to the rebellious people in exile. His voice, like his contemporary Jeremiah’s, fell on deaf ears. But as you will discover, this was not the last word; he proclaimed hope beyond that judgment, hope of restoration and hope for the future purposes of God.