Song of Songs
This beautiful book has been interpreted in different ways over the centuries, each of which you will explore in this unit. You will discover how understanding the literary genre of the Song removes the ambiguity for your inductive study, both for interpretation and application and you will find a book with a message desperately needed in our generation.
“Everything is meaningless”, “completely meaningless” is the opening cry of this second ‘pessimistic wisdom book’ you are about to study. As with Job, this book loved by so many, addresses sentiments that are felt often in our world today, a world full of activity but empty of meaning.
How do we cope when life simply does not make sense; when God seems so far away? With Job you are introduced to a genre of literature known as ‘pessimistic wisdom literature’, a form that deals with the hard questions of life. As you engage with this highly poetic book you share in the highs and lows of Job’s heartrending journey, but a journey that concludes with a profound encounter with God.
In this unit you will be introduced to another important Biblical genre, that of Wisdom. You will discover that this Old Testament gold mine of God inspired common sense and wisdom, as well as addressing every area of living. Choices have consequences! Be ready to learn how to live life well and how to make wise, life giving decisions!