Paul's Writings

This module introduces you to the writings of the apostle Paul. You will use the 12 Steps Inductive Bible study method to study his letters.




Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module you should:

  • Understand the background and circumstances that surrounded each of these letters.
  • Have good knowledge of how each of these books are connected to Acts and other New Testament letters.
  • Understand why Paul needed to write to each of the recipients.
  • Have good understanding of some of the challenges faced by the early church and how Paul addressed these.
  • Have completed the New Testament letters written to the Thessalonians, Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Timothy using this Inductive Bible study method.
  • Have explored the implications of these letters to you personally and how they impact the church today.

The letters to the Thessalonians are (after Galatians) the earliest writings of the apostle Paul. In 1 Thessalonians the young church in the city of Thessalonica are encouraged in their faith as they undergo persecution. Paul also deals with concerns within the church regarding the Second Coming of Jesus as well as addressing other important matters.


In 2 Thessalonians, Paul again encourages the church which is continuing to undergo persecution. He gives further teaching and clarification regarding the End Times and instruction on how to stand firm until Christ's return.


The church in Corinth has gone wild! In this letter, Paul deals with all manner of problems that have arisen within the Corinthian church. In fact, the church in Corinth had more problems than any of the other churches Paul founded. Most of the issues stem from ungodly cultural influences, and as Paul corrects each problem, his underlying message throughout the letter is to walk in love. 

This letter is the most personal of all Paul’s letters where he puts his heart on his sleeve as he tackles major problems that have arisen between the Corinthians and himself. Paul humbly and skilfully defends his ministry and apostleship in order to open the eyes of the Corinthian believers as to what is really going on, but most importantly to defend the Gospel.


Romans is the largest and most in depth letter we have in our Bible from the apostle Paul. Over the years it has had great influence on the Christian faith and church history. As you study this book, be prepared to discover the wonder of the Gospel of grace on a deeper level. 

The book of Colossians gives profound teaching on Christian belief and behaviour with emphasis on the greatness of Christ. Paul consistently encourages his readers to continue to live for Christ as well as warning them not to stray from the truth of the Gospel. Colossians champions us to keep on the right path by reminding us of the importance of not compromising our faith, and of the truth that Jesus is supreme!

The book of Ephesians is perhaps the clearest presentation of the Gospel message in the Bible. It is full of so much truth that every word is a life-giving sermon and not a stroke of ink is wasted! May you be encouraged in your faith as you study this wonderful and powerful book.

The book of Philippians is a favourite letter of many believers as it is pleasant to read, fairly easy to understand and has a warm and loving tone. Paul encourages his beloved friends in Philippi to stand firm in persecution, rejoice in all circumstances, walk in humility and stay in unity. He also expresses his deep gratitude for their help and support.


The 2 letters to Timothy together with the letter to Titus are commonly known as the Pastoral letters. In 1 Timothy, the Apostle Paul gives instruction to his young co-worker Timothy who is overseeing the church in Ephesus, on how to tackle problems of false teaching that have arisen from within the church. Paul urges Timothy and the church to model godliness, to uphold sound teaching and to defend the faith. As you study this book you will be moved by the fatherly relationship Paul has with Timothy and how he lovingly nurtures and positively encourages him throughout.



2 Timothy is the Apostle Paul’s last letter in which he passes on the mantle to Timothy, imparts his final words and says his farewells, before his expected and imminent martyrdom.

This is a personal letter where Paul pours out his heart to his ‘beloved child’ Timothy and the church in Ephesus, urging them to remain faithful and loyal to the Lord and to live godly and righteous lives. Paul exhorts Timothy to persevere through suffering, evangelise the lost and fulfill his ministry and calling.

Paul knows his days are numbered but he is secure in Christ and looking forward to receiving his ‘crown of righteousness’ for running well and finishing the race for Jesus.